Monday, June 23, 2014


Happy birthday, Mom.

We've had a great hike this summer.  I've met some amazing people, and I've even met people (this impresses and scares me a little) who think I'm amazing.  Partly because of the hike; sometimes because they know I'm bringing a little part of you along.  Not the part that matters--that part I always carry, and so does my brother, and Dad, and everyone else who loves you.

By the time this post goes live, we'll be most of the way through New Hampshire, and may even be in Maine. I don't get many opportunities to get online, so I have to guess a couple weeks in advance when I might be anywhere.  There are several people looking forward to meeting me in Maine, and even crossing the finish line with us.  They take my guesses and make whatever plans they need to make; I know how we'll get there.

I think of you every day. I miss you every day.  I have you with me every day.

And even when the ashes have all been scattered, I will still have you with me every day.  Because raising a kid isn't just about getting them to be their own person; it's about being a great enough person that they want to be a little like you, and keep a part of you with them forever.  At least, that's the way you and Dad did it, and I'm proud to see parts of each of you in myself every day.

Love always,


  1. Ryan, As you know you crossed into Maine on your mother's birthday. I thought how appropriate that she returned to her birth state on her birthday. It has been a great adventure for you and for all of us who have followed your trail. I am so happy that you were able to do this; you never regret the opportunities you take, you do regret not taking advantage of those opportunities.

  2. Beautiful post- no doubt you are your mother's son and she would be incredibly proud of you and so happy your dad and brother got to participate in parts of your journey. As you said, she will be with you always on all your adventures from the kitchen to the mountain top- and as illustrated by your blog posts, she will never be bored! And the trail goes on...
