Saturday, February 2, 2013

The local hawk

Saw this gentleman (gentlewoman?  gentlebird?  ferocious flying feathered fiend?) walking back from the library a month ago.  I know, I know, my posting schedule is erratic, but I have a good excuse!  I've been working on a Secret Plan B Project.  With any luck, I'll be done with the bulk of the work soon, and maybe in a few weeks (or months) it can become my Publicly Acknowledged Plan B Project.  I'm very excited about it.

In the meantime, I'll try to catch up with some of our recent adventures, and show you this hawk that visited my neighborhood.  It was perched less than two blocks from our building, making un-hawklike noises which drew my attention.  I've seen a lot of hawks in the area when we drive out of the city for hikes, but I've never seen one this close to where we live.

However, I did see a large red-tailed hawk perched along the Mt. Vernon trail as we drove back from this morning's long run (10 miles--we're getting ready for a half-marathon in March)

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